
Monday, July 23, 2012

When God Says Move....(update)

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. Deut. 30:15-16 NIV

I was given this verse on the way down to Florida to interview for a teaching job.  I took it as a sign that this job would be the right one, and it WAS offered to me, but after a few hours we felt very strongly that it was not the right place for us.  

Let me back up....  

In January Corey and I fasted and prayed over direction for our lives.  We had a few specific things we were praying about but at the end the only one of us who felt something was me.  I told Corey that I really felt we needed to get our house ready, to start packing things up, and to get ready to move.  

Well, we didn't.

Then, in May we had a time of prayer and fasting again.  This time the biggie on the list was whether or not to add to the family again.  I was feeling conflicted over the timing of having another baby.  Again, a few other constant things went on the list as well, but at the end I had two specific outcomes. One was that the feelings and desires to have another baby were neutral.  I did not feel one way or the other, which is HUGE to me because I always felt that pang when someone announced a pregnancy. The other was that I STILL felt very strongly that we needed to prepare to move.  

Throughout those months I felt myself feeling less and less connected to our home, to our town, and everything about it.  I even told my best friend on the phone that I "felt our ties being loosed from here."

About a month ago I woke up in the middle of the night.  I was concerned about finances and about how to help out in the midst of this down economy. The thought was brought to my mind that I could get a job teaching.  That I *should* get a job teaching.  The thought wouldn't go away, it just kept me awake for several hours.  I thought about looking on Teach Georgia right there in the middle of the night, but I had all these reasons it wouldn't work.  Our top priority is to raise our children the way we feel is right for them and us, and that includes homeschooling and no day care.  This entire scenario just wouldn't work out, I mean I could possibly work out homeschooling them and work, many moms do it, but what about Ruby?  It is so important to me that she stay out of day care.  The puzzle pieces just wouldn't fit together.  Even though the entire idea of teaching in public school, previously detestable to me, was sounding more and more appealing and exciting.

The last piece of this puzzle fell into place about a week after that night.  Thanks to this wonderful day and economy that we are so lucky to be part of (ha!), we have been given the opportunity for Corey to be home (if you know what I mean).  When this was first presented to us, my very first thought was.... well, I need to get a job teaching.  It is the logical thing to do since Corey hasn't finished his schooling yet and I would be able to get a predictable income, predictable schedule, and benefits.  He could stay home, homeschool the kids, take care of Ruby, and do his college work as he had been doing while working already.

Thus, the job search began.  It hasn't been terribly encouraging since the teaching jobs available have not been anywhere near where we live.  That's where the moving part of the puzzle fits in. 

I guess it sounds risky to turn down a teaching position in the midst of our current situation, but we are trusting that what we felt was from the Lord, and that a better scenario is coming our way.  The right job, at the right school, in the right location, at the right TIME.  That's the most difficult part of all.  School is preparing to get started everywhere...... and I have a feeling we just need to be ready to move.  So, this time, we are actually listening to that and getting ready! ha!

We are trusting.  We are *trying* to stay optimistic.  We are refusing to let doubt cloud our judgment.  As a matter of fact, yesterday I got an email from an apartment complex that I had contacted in the city with the first job opportunity and a teeny bit of panic and doubt set in.  

And just a few hours after that in the sermon, a passage stood up and talked to me....from The Message:

So don't throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It's still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God's plan so you'll be there for the promised completion. 

   It won't be long now, he's on the way; 

      he'll show up most any minute. 
   But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust; 
      if he cuts and runs, I won't be very happy.
But we're not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We'll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.

We have been so constantly encouraged over the past few weeks.  God is taking care of us, and better than just taking care of us, He has a very specific plan.  I want to be part of that plan and I want to be there for the promised completion! 

It's just that waiting is so hard!!!!

I needed to get all this out there, so thanks for sticking with me.  It's a high honor to be able to pray, so when I ask for prayers, it's not a last ditch effort, it's a go-to plan and the only one we have.

About 4 hours after I posted this blog post, I was catching up on my book for my church book club.  You wouldn't believe what verse was in the last section! It was the one from Deuteronomy...the one I posted at the top there.  I couldn't believe it!  The book is called: The Resolution for Women, by Pricilla Shirrer.  This particular section of the book was about "Leaving a Godly Legacy."  Here's what she says about it in reference to the verse, about "making today's decisions with tomorrow in mind."

(from The Resolution for Women)

This can be your legacy, It's not too late.  Today-truly, within the next 24 hours--an eye opening choice is set before you.  It's disguised as your next opportunity, your next option, your next decision, your next offer.  Now's your chance to see these through the lens of Moses' biblical description.  See them as small yet significant choices between death and life.  Is there really a choice to make? Choose life.  Choose wisely.  The legacy you are leaving depends on it.

Needless to say I was greatly encouraged.  I was looking for something to come my way today and it kind of did.  I was made aware of a particular detail about *many* of my applications that would make them pretty much useless. So I took care of it.  And I am truly waiting and expecting something to come our way soon.  I am excited to see what kind of legacy we will build through these amazing changes coming our way in the next few weeks.