
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Update: Part 4

We're making a little bit better time on this to-do list than the last one, ha.  I guess we are really feeling the pressure with 38 weeks looming!

1. Get all the baby stuff organized in the baby room. DONE
2. Buy stuff needed still on our must have list. (changing pad for dresser, robe for me, nursing bra, replacement parts for breast pump) part done.  still need changing pad, robe, and pump parts. I also realized today that we don't have any baby washcloths.  I really prefer using them especially at first because they are so much softer and their skin is so delicate. 
3. Get bags packed for me, baby, and kids. started
4. Buy supplies we/I need to have on hand post partum at home. DONE
5. Get the flower bed area in the front yard presentable for post baby visitation. nope
6. Wash baby supplies (esp the cloth diapers) to have ready when we get home from the hospital. DONE
7. Finish getting house deep cleaned and keep it up! ha! started
8. Get sheets for the bed in the baby room! um...there's a quilt thrown over the bed! ha!

Side list (need to accomplish but not urgent)
1. Get Katie's costume together for her play at the end of May.
2. Get homeschool stuff/records from this year put away and stock cart with next year's supplies.

Well...I guess I thought we had gotten more of that stuff done, ha.  But, #1 and #6 were biggies! Quite time consuming.  Today Corey helped get some heavy chores done that I can't do.  Since we are finished with school now, I can spend my mornings when I actually have some energy, accomplishing these other things.  The packing will probably be done really soon.   We also got the sheets we needed for the co sleeper which was a big priority.  The cloth diapers are all prepped and ready so we can start using those as soon as we feel brave enough to give it a go! :) (After the meconium stage has passed anyway.)

Basically...the house just needs a good cleaning now and the bags packed and we're ready to go!

1 comment:

Marcy said...

I see baby washcloths on clearance at Target all the time!