
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What a week!

So....this has been a traumatic week for us so far....
Starting Sunday afternoon when we got home from church and Noah ran up the sidewalk and busted his nose. It bled all over the place for about 15 minutes. We are waiting out to see if we need to take him somewhere. He has acted fine, except at night. He hasn't been sleeping well, probably due to the face that his nose is still swollen a little and he sounds like he is talking with his nose pinched together. The dr. said that unless it lasts more than two weeks to not we will see.
Then yesterday AS I was posting the ballet pictures, Katie and Noah decided it would be a good idea to give Katie a haircut. So with her hair still in a bun, Noah cut into her hair and cut a big chunk out of her bangs. I won't post the before picture, it is just too pitiful, but I took her to a place here in Adairsville and they did a FANTASTIC JOB of evening it all out and making it look cute. The back was just butchered all over so with some straightening and smoothing it will look pretty good! I really like it. I told her next time she thinks she needs a haircut to just ask!

1 comment:

Andysbethy said...

I think her hair looks great. Trust me, it could have been much worse. Mary cut her own bangs when she was about 4, and they were almost completely gone. I will have to find the picture for you sometime.