
Friday, December 19, 2008

School's Out!

Yesterday was our last official day of school until January! What did we do on our last day? Well, we did not have a party, since we kind of did that the night before :)
What we DID do:
-Completed our December calendar, counting the days until Christmas and our usual "calendar" stuff.
-Sang all our favorite songs from the Get Set for School CD, and created some letters with our wood pieces.
-Made home made stamped, glued, and glittered, Christmas cards.
-Made an ornament.
-Sorted, counted, and graphed green and red M&Ms and almonds.
-Ate the M&Ms and almonds after we finished!
-Played Cranium Hullabuloo.
-Had a great last day!

I am really enjoying our year of home school so far. Here are some photos from the day. You can see the homemade cards they made as well as the "Santa" faces they made with their hand prints. There are also photos of us working on our candy/almond graph. They are so smart!


Anonymous said...

Horray! LOVE the M&M/almond idea! :)

Karen said...

Any job is better with M&M' the pictures!