
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year !

My first resolution! Memorize 2 verses per month in 2009! The Living Proof Ministries blog is hosting a Bible verse memorization "initiative." You can click the link HERE to read about it and sign up if you want to participate. Everyone gets to pick their own verses, you just check in twice a month to be "accountable."

So, here is my first verse of the to help with my goal of not obsessing and worrying so much. In the recent book that I read, I have learned the importance of meeting with God daily and that he wants to be close to you and "meet" with you every day, so this also emphasizes that kind of intimate relationship with you go, my first verse of the year.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

The goal is to meditate on and memorize this verse by the 15th of the month, when I will pick a new one. I need to go write this on an index card so it will be handy to look over often! Happy New Year!


Karen said...

A very good resolution...and one of the best assurances from God is in that verse.

Andysbethy said...

That one is going on my fridge right now! I would love for you to post each of your choices on here, so that I can join you please.
Sounds like a good plan to me. I will try to hold you accountable, if you will hold me accountable too, okay?!

Carrie said...

Maybe we could take turns choosing! You could choose one for the second half of the month. Just keep it to one verse! ha ha...
The group is actually supposed to go out and get one of those index card sets that are on a spiral and write each on in it so they have them all together for the year. I did not get it bought, but I didn't let it stop me from starting today. I need a copy on the fridge, but I also want to get the spiral so I can have a "set" at the end of the year. I am excited!

Andysbethy said...

Okay- I can do that. I'll keep my eyes posted for a good verse for the second half of the month!

Marcy said...

How is your verse memorization going? I have tried to start that many times and never done very good with it. I will memorize a few verses and then forget. I have my rind of verses somewhere...