I know that I have started a "weekly" meme on here before, only to ignore it and never do it again...but I have a feeling I am onto something with this one....
I know it isn't Sunday...and many don't even post on Sunday. BUT, this is the first time I am posting this and I feel that having it "ready to read" on Sunday should be the goal. So, if you want to participate after reading the explanation, just go ahead....leave a link to your blog (the actual post) and I will add you to THIS POSTING so others can be encouraged. By Sunday, maybe we can have an entire list of uplifting testimonies to read together!
Our book club at church is currently reading "Believing God," by Beth Moore.
In the book she talks about ways to build your faith and without just re-writing the book here I will say that it is one of the most amazing books I have ever read. It really has spoken to me personally in every single chapter so far. One of the things she suggests that you do is to record "God Stops" and re-read them, or share them with others as a way of building your faith. She loves acronyms, so the STOP stands for Savoring The Observable Presence (of GOD of course.) So, ways God has shown up in your life this week. In big ways, little ways, every day ways, it doesn't matter, just ways you have observed God in your life.
We shared some last week at our book club get-together and it was just amazing to hear everyone "testify" about what God did for them over the past few weeks...actually not all of them were ways that affected THEM personally, it could be for anyone or anything.
We had one person tell about someone suffering from a seizure while sitting in their car, in park, at a railroad track...(what great timing!)....we had someone tell about getting two job offers (amazing right now), someone shared that they got a very clear answer about whether or not to buy a house....it was just such a *faith builder* to hear how these things could only have been from God...God definitely STOPPED BY to see them personally!
So, it came to me this week that I should definitely start a meme where I share my GOD STOPS and maybe coax a few people into sharing in the comments as well or on their own blog.
This is what I shared this past week:
An amazing thing happened right before our vacation. I cannot go into the entire history, it is too long, but my dad was able to accompany us on our family vacation this past week when we thought he wasn't going to be able to. He got really sick right before we left and where this might have put him being sick for several weeks, we prayed for him and he was able to go with us....and he felt GREAT while we were gone, he slept well, and even discovered something while we were gone that could help him tremendously to feel better more at home. That may not sound impressive, but to anyone reading this who knows the history with my dad, it is a HUGE deal and an obvious way that GOD SHOWED UP because WE BELIEVED that HE could and HE WOULD!
Now, I challenge you to share or link to your blog where you share:
How have you Savored The Observable Presence of GOD in the past week? What is your God Stop Sunday?
(PLEASE let me know in the comments that you have a post on your blog and I will ADD YOU TO MY BLOG POST so others can come and be encouraged by your post! I hope to get this spread around because it can be so uplifting to others to read how God is showing up in our lives!)
Great idea! Count me in...
God STOP Sunday.
I was out of town and didn't get to even read amy blogs, forget post them this weekend. But, I am fairly confident you can count on me for next week.
It sounds like a good idea to me. Moments of lifting each other up and reminding each other that God is working even when we can't see him are always a good idea!
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